Uncategorized After prostate cancer treatment, a new standard of care for rising PSA qmkgib, October 29, 2023 It isn’t often that a study leads to fundamental changes in how cancer patients are treated. But new research is doing just that for some men with prostate cancer that recurs after initial treatment. Post-treatment recurrence The first sign of recurrence is typically a rise in blood levels of prostate-specific… Continue Reading
Uncategorized Small pets are delightful, but some carry dangerous bacteria qmkgib, October 4, 2023 Small animals like turtles, iguanas, and frogs are often chosen as first-time pets for children because they are easy to interact with and low maintenance for busy households. While they can be fun, it may be best to avoid them. The reason? “Reptiles and amphibians can carry germs that make… Continue Reading